Animate Trail Text

Animate Trail Text

This teeny tut for Construct Animate will show how to do a simple trailing text effect.
Obviously it will work in C3 as well.

This effect is part of a YouTube thumbnail template:

The first step was to create a text object called "subjectext", and give it the Tween behavior.
You can find behaviors under the properties bar, which is on the far left by default, or right click the object>Add>Behavior.

I place it in the editor where I wanted it to move from, and made a start of layout event to move it into position.
+ System: On start of layout
-> subjectext: Tween "mov" property Position to 696, 267 in 1.5 seconds (Linear, destroy: No, loop: No, ping pong: No, repeat count: 1)

Then to do the trail effect I created a bunch of instances of the text object, and put them behind the one that was moving, while setting them to tween their opacity out to zero, and destroy at the end of the tween.
+ subjectext: Is Tween "mov" playing
----+ System: Every 0.25 seconds
-----> System: Create object subjectext on layer 0 at (subjectext(0).X, subjectext(0).Y), create hierarchy: False, template: ""
-----> subjectext: Move behind subjectext
-----> subjectext: Tween "shad" property Opacity to 0 in 2 seconds (Default, destroy: Yes, loop: No, ping pong: No, repeat count: 1)

If you want a different effect you can start the opacity lower, or change the System Every 0.25 to something higher or lower.

Keep in mind creating a bunch of text instances isn't very cost effective, so if you plan on doing a bunch of that you might want to use a sprite, or paste the text into a Drawing Canvas... which is complicated, and would also need to involve a sprite transfer. I'll probably do a tut on setting that up at some point.

Here you can find the Animate source file: Dirty Battles c3p
