Blend modes are somewhat similar to effects in that they do alterations to pixels in the gpu.
However they are setup to work with the background so some additional changes may have to be made.
However they are setup to work with the background so some additional changes may have to be made.
A really cool effect you can do using them is a mask that only shows what the outline of the top object lets through, like in the globe shown above.
This tut will go over how to set that up.
This one can have its blend mode set to normal.
Note in the source a hierarchy is applied so that the two objects can be moved together easier.
Note in the source a hierarchy is applied so that the two objects can be moved together easier.
The events:
+ System: Every tick
-> TiledBackground: Set image X offset to TiledBackground.ImageOffsetX-(50×dt)%520
Set the image offset on the tiled bg so that it looks like its spinning.
Find the source here
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