Bigger Text

Now for another use of BB Code for a text effect we'll do a bit of copy and paste with the function we used in the previous tutorial.

So basically we'll animate the size of each letter.

Since this includes the source file I'll just pretend we are make a new one from scratch by using the other source file.
Since you can have multiple instances of the editor open we can open the previous tut and go to the events page.
To copy and paste events you will need to use the Copy feature when you right click on the function event.

Click on any of the events in the Action side of the event, and then use Ctrl v to paste into the new on start of layout.
You might notice I renamed the function to something more appropriate.

To paste an entire event that you copied you will need to focus the event editor onto an existing event. You might have noticed they change color when selected.

If you copied from the other event sheet and the hit Ctrl v again the evet should show up under the event you selected first. 
The events:
* On function 'bigrfunc'
-> Text: Tween "bigr" value from 0 to 190 in Text.tspeed seconds (Out Exponential, destroy: No, loop: No, ping pong: No, repeat count: 1)
-> Text: Set curstring to left(Text.mystring, len(Text.curstring)+1)
We change the tween to use the values 0 to 190, and the name of course.

+ Text: Is Tween "bigr" playing
-> Text: Set text to Text.curstring&"[size="&Text.Tween.Value("bigr")&"%]"&mid(Text.mystring,len(Text.curstring),1)&"" 
Here we change the bbcode feature size=... and the name

+ Text: On Tween "bigr" finished
----+ System: len(Text.curstring) < len(Text.mystring)
-----> Functions: Call bigrfunc
Don't forget the name change.

Find the source here
