Even pseudocode needs a format in order to share with others in a way that's understandable. The same can be said for Events, and Actions in the Event Sheet for Animate And Construct.
Lets take a look at how that's been set up.
When you right click on an event and select "Copy as text" from the context menu some formatted text will be placed in your clipboard. That is if you have set your browser setting to allow that.
This nonsense event:
Would then come out as:
+ System: 0 is between 0 and 45 degrees
-> System: Set canvas size to 0 x 0
In your clipboard.
Basically a plus sign by itself means the start of a top level, or top tier Event.
Then the Action is represented with a hyphen, or minus sign followed by a greater than symbol.
Generally the hyphen is there to denote that some space for indention since actions always follow events.
If there are multiple conditions then they will be one on top of another, and follow the rules for true and false.
Then the Action is represented with a hyphen, or minus sign followed by a greater than symbol.
Generally the hyphen is there to denote that some space for indention since actions always follow events.
If there are multiple conditions then they will be one on top of another, and follow the rules for true and false.
+ System: 0 is between 0 and 45 degrees
+ System: 0 is between 0 and 45 degrees
-> System: Set canvas size to 0 x 0
If one condition is false then the action is not ran.
I'll go into the logic of conditions in another tutorial.
I'll go into the logic of conditions in another tutorial.
Multiple actions will be set up the same way one on top of another.
Always keep in mind that order matters, and one thing has the ability to counter something else if out of order.
Speaking of order, sub events will show those extra hyphens again.
Speaking of order, sub events will show those extra hyphens again.
+ System: 0 is between 0 and 45 degrees
-> System: Set canvas size to 0 x 0
----+ System: 0 is between 0 and 45 degrees
-----> System: Set canvas size to 0 x 0
--------+ System: 0 is between 0 and 45 degrees
---------> System: Set canvas size to 0 x 0
In fact it will show a lot of them lol.
Each sub event will add 4 minus signs, as will the action.
Each sub sub event will show 8 and so on, in order to keep that nice indentation going.
Each sub sub event will show 8 and so on, in order to keep that nice indentation going.
sub event= ----+(4dash)
sub event action= ---- &-> (4dash and dash and greater than)
Global Variable= | Global
Local Variable= | Local
Comments= //
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